Leather and Lace
4x6-IMG 4296
5x7-IMG 4487
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4x6-IMG 4035
4x6-IMG 4057
4x6-IMG 4196.jpg
4x6-IMG 4074
4x6-IMG 4271.jpg
4x6-IMG 4458
4x6-IMG 4376b
5x7-IMG 4218.jpg
4x6-IMG 4489
4x6-IMG 4497
4x6-IMG 4554
5x7-IMG 4332 pp2.jpg
IMG 3972
4x6-IMG 4236.jpg
8x10-IMG 4054.jpg
5x7-IMG 4550.jpg
4x6-IMG 4256.jpg
5x7-IMG 4475.jpg
4x6-IMG 4267.jpg
4x6-IMG 4387 pp drama bw.jpg
5x7-IMG 4477.jpg
5x7-IMG 4104.jpg
4x6-IMG 4324.jpg
5x7-IMG 4172.jpg
4x6-IMG 4524.jpg
4x6-IMG 4356 pp.jpg
4x6-IMG 4615.jpg


I'm happy to make any of my images available to you as high quality giclee, canvas, metal or acrylic prints. (I love the acrylic ones) Contact me at the link below and I'll let you know about price and size availability.

Some prints are already available at my gallery at fineArtAmerica.com, where you can see price and size availablity.

Like my portrait style? Let's do a photo session together!

Fine Art America DecalGirl Facebook Model Mayhem DeviantArt