Portrait Session Rates
OK, so here is how it works. You can come over to my studio/loft or I can come over to your place or we can go to some other location that looks like a great place to shoot photos. We'll spend a couple hours together relaxed, talking, having fun, listening to music and creating some of the best portraits you have ever had taken of yourself. You can bring several outfit changes and any props or accessories that you think really bring out your personality. Want to go wild? Let's get creative with something like octopi or flour or body paint*.
After we are done shooting, I'll make the proofs available to you for review.
Pick up to 10 of your favorite poses and those'll be the ones that I retouch to pop the tones and colors, remove blemishes, maybe smooth away a few years of age (up to you - some people want that, others don't, you tell me...) and generally make you look like the fantastic person you are!
All this for just $350 flat rate. No complicated packages or choices to make. Quick, easy and we'll have a blast.
Can't pick just 10?
No problem. If you want any additional shots or print size choices, I'll be happy to add them in as well for $25 per image. If you'd like me to handle any of the printing or framing (as prints or canvas wraps or any other presentation), contact me to discuss and we'll work out an arrangement.
* Need a hair or makeup artist or body painter as well? let me know in advance and we'll get someone to work with us. I have a great network of talented people we can contact. Their rates would apply separately.
I'm happy to make any of my images available to you as high quality giclee, canvas, metal or acrylic prints. (I love the acrylic ones) Contact me at the link below and I'll let you know about price and size availability.
Some prints are already available at my gallery at fineArtAmerica.com, where you can see price and size availablity.
Like my portrait style? Let's do a photo session together!
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